Learn more here about being a VOICES guest.
The size of the live group is a function of how we both promote the event, your draw, and the draw of your subject.
We have had 5 people and 500. But, we have ALWAYS had a rewarding experience for you. Description text goes here
We will also record and journalize the sessions for greater reach
Its easy for YOU!
We will provide an “MC” to introduce and close the session, and a person to run the Zoom. You are free to focus on the space you create in the session. No problem with breakouts, polls, etc. Just let us know in your session outline.
We trust your preparation. We will share some best practices for you to think about, they are optional. For promoting, we will provide you with a registration link and a copy of our media elements. You are free to use your own copy for your promoting activity.
Our aesthetic is authentic, well-considered, and well-spoken
We ask people to personally invite people in their networks who they think will value or contribute to the experience.
We will create posts in LinkedIn, and we will let you know when they are posted so that you and your network can amplify them with reposts, likes and comments (which helps drive LinkedIn visibility).
We will use your copy and photos, though we will make a good faith judgment on the final versions in our posts.
We will also promote the event in our We Lead Global community, Twitter and Instagram
Any topic that is related to human capacities (leaders), or human connection and creative action (leading) is of interest to The Prometheus Project.
We facilitate but do not necessarily endorse specific voices. This is about meeting with curiosity and the expectation there will be learning.
We appreciate practice with a theoretical context. We appreciate theory that relates to experience and action.
Yes! We will record the session and give you a copy of the file for your use. We will post an edited version in our digital community space, and may use clips or highlights for promoting The Prometheus Project and its content.
This is largely a function of how the session is promoted.
We are happy to target the audience that you want. We engage the whole eco-system
Our community is inclusive of emerging, experienced, and expert members. Even the most expert are emerging in some areas. :-)
We rely on your choice for the best way to bring the attendees into your voice. That said, we like to describe the best experience this way: creating a space with your topic and inviting the attendees into that space makes for high energy and good satisfaction.
It is different than a podcast because we record the session live. But it is like a podcast because highlights are edited and shared/sharable.
The format you choose also effects the similarity, if we interview you it has more of the cadence of a podcast, if you design the agenda in a seminar style, it has the cases of a highlights reel.